
Triphala (Digestive Support) is a composite herbal preparation containing equal proportions of the fruits of three myrobalans, Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia bellerica. This preparation is known to be a safe hypoglycemic agent. Triphala prevents aging, imparts immunity and improves mental faculties. It helps to detoxify the liver, restore digestion and purify blood. Triphala is widely used in a large number of medicinal preparations. It is also a laxative that rejuvenates the membrane lining the digestive tract and contributes to effective cleansing of the colon, a key condition in Ayurveda to maintaining optimum health.


Scientific Name : Emblica officinalis
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Common Name : Amala, Amlaki, Amalaka, Indian Gooseberry,
Part Used : Fruit
Habit and Distribution : It is found everywhere in Southeast Asia
Chemical constituents : The fruit contain high amounts of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It also contains tannins and colloidal substances, Lipids, Flavonoids, Kaempferol, ellagic acid and gallic acid.

Uses : Fresh fruit of Amla (Emblica Officinalis) is refrigerant, diuretic and laxative. Green fruit is exceedingly acid. Fruit is also carminative and stomachic. Dried fruit is sour and astringent. Flowers are cooling and aperient. Bark is astringent. The herb is also aphrodisiac, hemostatic, nutritive tonic, rejuvenative (for Pitta). It increases red blood cell count. It is one of the highest natural source of Vitamin C (3,000 mg per fruit).


Scientific Name : Terminalia chebula
Family : Combretaceae
Common Name : Hardad, Haritaki, Harada, Aralu
Part Used : Seed, Fruit
Habit and Distribution : It is native to southern Asia from India and Nepal east to southwestern China (Yunnan), and south to Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Vietnam
Chemical constituents : The fruits of Haritaki contains about of an astringent substance which is mixture of tannins, tannic acid, betulinic acid, chebulinic acid, chebulin, chebulic acid, luteoic acid and other organic acids, beta-sitosterol and sugars.


Scientific Name : Terminalia bellerica
Family : Combretaceae
Common Name : Beleric, Bastard myrobalan, Bahera, Boira
Part Used : Fruit
Habit and Distribution : It is common on plains and lower hills in Southeast Asia
Chemical constituents : Fruits contain tannins which is composed of gallotannic and ellagitannic acids,ellagic acid and gallic acid, galloyl glucose, chebulagic acid and phyllemblin. They have also been reported to contain mannitol, beta-sitosterol, resins, hydrocarbons, and sugars, etc.