Castor (Ricinus communis)

Scientific Name : Ricinus communis
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Common Name : Castor Oil Plant, Eranda, Verenda, Vatari, Rendi, Bofareira, castor-oil plant, Mexico seed, Oil plant, Palma Christi
Part Used : Oil, Leaves, Roots, Seeds, Fruit
Habit and Distribution : Castor is usually a wild plant growing in remote areas where human interaction is little.

Chemical constituents : Fatty oil, Protein, Lectins, Others ricin D (RCA-60. severely toxic), RCA-120 (less toxic), Pyridine alkaloids, Triglycerides: chief fatty acids ricinoleic acid (12-hydroxy-oleic acid, share 85-90%), Tocopherols (Vitamin E).

Uses : Castor oil is a natural skin and hair softener and is used to treat skin diseases like ringworm and itching. It also uses in abdominal disorders, colic, enlarged liver and spleen, fever, headache, lumbago, nervous diseases, pain relief (joints), promote menstrual discharge, promote milk production, rheumatism, sciatica.