Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Scientific Name : Azadirachta indica
Family : Meliaceae
Common Name : Neem
Part Used : All parts of the tree (Seeds, Leaves, Flowers and Bark)
Habit and Distribution : It is native to Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, and Pakistan growing in tropical and semi-tropical regions.

Chemical constituents : Nimbin, Nimbinin, Nimbidin

Uses : Neem is used for preparing many different medical preparations. Also used for anthelmintic, antifungal, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-infertility, and sedative. It is particularly prescribed for skin disease and anti-inflamatory for joint and muscle pain. It balances high pitta conditions. Neem twigs are used for Dental care. Neem oil is used for preparing cosmetics. Neem Gum is used as a bulking agent.